
yung van Shares Melancholic Breakup Anthem ‘honest’

We are keen to write about ‘honest’, yet we would urge everyone to experience it first-hand: music cannot always be described with words, sometimes it needs to be… ‘felt’. ‘honest’ is the strongest evidence of that: built on an expansive, evocative hip-hop and emo character, the record is a stunning nugget of melancholia and pain, translated into artistic form by the talented creative yung van

Based in Denver, van teams up with fellow musicians OTIV and SadBoyProlific, penning a heartfelt breakup anthem that’s hyper-relatable and familiar. As yung explains: “It captures the emotional turbulence of a relationship on the brink of ending. It’s that moment when you can feel the inevitable, yet you still hold onto the hope that things might turn around.” Such a vibrant, powerful lyrical outlook is framed into a modern and eclectic hip-hop banger, one that’s hard to resist. 

Written with VITO during a visit to Terre Haute, IN, ‘honest’ also set the stage for yung van’s upcoming album, ‘Haunted Hearts’, expected later this year (via MiniVan Records, owned by yung van himself). Overall, we feel as if ‘honest’ is a pretty universal track – boasting a welcoming, relatable outlook, we are confident it will connect with a wide audience. Don’t just take our word for it though, give it a try for yourself! 

Recommended! Discover ‘honest’ on Spotify: 


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