
Your Best Nightmare Delivers Witty and Playful Debut ‘Really Cute’

When approaching Your Best Nightmare, one has to dive into the concept behind the music. The talented New Jersey native champions a fierce and unapologetic lyrical outlook, drenched in feminist empowerment and often satyrical lyrics. Yep, that’s pretty nuanced and relevant songwriting, the kind of lyrics you’ll be reflecting over right before internalising them. On the other hand, Your Best Nightmare will deliver all of that within playful and witty musical settings, dominated by her signature ukulele. This sort of musical ‘chiaroscuro’ creates a stark contrast, showcasing the understated genius in the American talent’s artistry. 

‘Really Cute’ is Your Best Nightmare’s latest effort, a tongue-in-cheek and at times comedic take on a fictional date with a ‘really cute’ partner. The storytelling is intense and will require your undivided attention. Perhaps that’s one of the project’s strong points, the ability to draw the listeners into its charming storylines. While you are at it, you’ll also be shown tropical energy thanks to the irresistible ukulele so well played by Erin Porter – the gifted human behind Your Best Nightmare. 

Gearing up for her debut EP set to release later this year, Your Best Nightmare is an artist to watch. With unparalleled wit and a message that is sure to resonate with listeners, the doors of musical Olympus seem to be definitely open for her. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Really Cute’ on Spotify: 


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