Xenia Captures the Essence of Carefree Summer Days on ‘SUNSHINE IN JULY’

Lately, I’ve really been trying my best to step out of my musical comfort zone. It’s so easy to get stuck in our ways, but venturing into uncharted territories can be deeply rewarding and eye-opening. With this in mind, I’m extremely excited to introduce you to ‘SUNSHINE IN JULY’, the vibrant and euphoric new single from Australian-based singer/songwriter Xenia

Capturing the essence of carefree summer days spent in the sun, Xenia’s latest tune is filled with catchy melodies and an irresistible energy. Full of life and colour, it’s the perfect soundtrack to any sun-filled activity, whether you’re lounging by the pool or simply driving with the windows down.

“I wanted to create a song that captures the pure joy and optimism of summertime,” says the artist. “‘SUNSHINE IN JULY’ is about embracing life’s simple pleasures and finding happiness in the little moments”.

With her soulful vocals shining over a tropical-infused production, ‘SUNSHINE IN JULY’ offers listeners a chance to forget their worries for a bit and just revel in the carefree nature of the moment. It’s a genius little track, and is sure to put a smile on the face of all those lucky enough to hear it!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘SUNSHINE IN JULY’ on Spotify now:


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