
VHEXPERTINE Shares Evocative Gem ‘Laura Palmer’

An obscure and hazy record, ‘Laura Palmer’ is as enigmatic as its TV-bound counterpart. Contrasting a fuzzy and industrial-flavoured electronic production against dreamy and ethereal vocals, the single sees Rome-based creative VHEXPERTINE delving into the oldest of battles: the one between darkness and light. Following up from 2020’s ‘Bones’, ‘Laura Palmer’ sees the Italian songwriter return with material that’s ever relevant and provocative. 

Having spent time in Brighton, UK, VHEXPERTINE exudes a clear leftfield influence, yet also a distinctively pop flair, a sign that the project draws equally from both sides of the fold – yet again a reference to the dark vs. light debate. What we most appreciate about the current single, are the many textures and noise drones that wrap it from start to end. This makes it an angelic, otherworldly record, helping the listeners reach a full emotional catharsis. 

Speaking about ‘Laura Palmer’, VHEXPERTINE explains: “While the song is based on and quotes some lines of the iconic Twin Peaks, the song is deeply personal to the singer, drawing from his own experience with s.a. and addictions. The song also explores the perspective of a victim who feels like they deserve their pain, trapped in a cycle of self-inflicted abuse.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Laura Palmer’ on Spotify: 


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