Tsunamiz Shares Latest Effort ‘Party Anthem’

There’s something extremely charming about Tsunamiz: perhaps in the project’s eclecticism, always able to adapt to various influences, be it gritty electro-rock or nuanced synth-pop; or, perhaps is Tsunamiz’s impressive productivity that so greatly allows us to connect to it. You see, the Portuguese-based solo outfit has been active for a few years, releasing a plethora of albums with a kaleidoscopic vision. In fact, last year saw Tsunamiz share ‘Looney Tunez’.

Now, Bruno Sobral – the human behind the project – unveils his latest single, ‘Party Anthem’, a follow-up to the already released retro-flavoured banger ‘Attack’. In ‘Party Anthem’, Tsunamiz adopt a more post-rock and indie outlook, also balanced by a good amount of synthesised matter. There’s a strong dualism in the record: introduced by punchy, Hip-Hop infused bouncy beats, the track will then shift to a more dancy, poppy formula, frequently switching between the two. Sobral’s vocals are present in the chorus, giving the overall aesthetic a spoken-word aura. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind ‘Party Anthem’, Tsunamiz explains: “This song is a hybrid between Nirvana, Gorillaz and Sleaford Mods. As for the lyrics, it’s about personal freedom and an ode to psychedelia.” Notably, the single marks a step forward towards the release of the project’s upcoming album, ‘Kultur Is Dead’, expected for September 23.

Recommended! Discover ‘Party Anthem’ on Spotify and Youtube: 


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