
Trunk Gear Up for Debut EP with Eclectic and Multilayered Jewel ‘Blind Stare’

‘Blind Stare’ is one of those tunes that takes a couple of listens to be fully understood and appreciated. Courtesy of Newcastle upon Tyne-based four-piece Trunk, it’s the band’s sophomore single and the last peek into their sound before unleashing their debut EP. Sonically, it’s a toughie to pin down, but I think that’s why I’ve become so infatuated with it. Is it post-punk? Shoegaze? Experimental rock? Who cares really? All I know is that the more I listen to it, the more layers I uncover. 

Described by the act as an “abstract take on the underbelly of city life and how those who intend on doing harm onto others hide in plain sight,” ‘Blind Stare’ masterfully evokes the hidden dangers lurking in everyday life. Vivid, profound, and even a little unsettling at times, it’s a track that stays with you long after completion.

Having toured extensively across Newcastle and Leeds over the last two years, performing alongside artists like Foxing and Debbie Googe (My Bloody Valentine), Trunk is now ready to unveil ‘Tembo’. Five songs that will showcase the band’s dedication to their craft, it’s an EP that I cannot wait to hear, and will be available worldwide on the 21st of this month!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Blind Stare’ on Spotify now:


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