
Trapt Gear Up for Upcoming Album ‘The Fall’

Gearing up for an upcoming deluxe album – ‘The Fall’, Cincinnati-based rock outfit Trapt brings to our attention an EP of the same name released last winter. In it, the listeners can preview the gritty yet nuanced alt-rock goodness that’s awaiting on May 31st, the date on which the complete album will be unveiled. 

We like what we hear! While the production value is not of the highest – the ideas and overall sound in the record are really good. Songs are catchy and expressive – the right balance between fierce distortion and vocal-powered poignancy. An instrumental formula that’s never tiring, always engaging. 

Honestly, that’s one of the most interesting rock records we have heard lately. There’s a certain early ‘2000 alt flair in it, which will resonate with every 30-year-old out there. Already boasting a sizeable catalogue in their discography, Trapt are a worthy discovery, one that we’ll cherish until the album drops in May. 

Recommended! Discover ‘The Fall’ on Spotify: 


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