
Tornado Sky Are a Songwriting Powerhouse in ‘Beautiful Now’

While many might look at Tornado Sky as a retirement project, the reality is there’s actually quite a wide songwriting depth behind it. Spearheaded by husband and wife duo Jerry Careaga and Stephanie Gladhart, the project sees them embarking on relatable, traditional songmaking, drenching catchy lyricism in country and Americana stylings, with a healthy amount of guitar prowess. 

‘Beautiful Now’ is their latest effort: built on a semi-acoustic arrangement, the track is as charming and evocative as one could imagine, with the intensity growing as the piece progresses. Tornado Sky’s collective vocals are absolutely perfect, delivered with softness and intention. It’s Careaga the most experienced one in there: having spent many years as a published songwriter in the American music industry, he holds credits in a plethora of famous acts’ catalogues (especially from the 70s). 

Describing ‘Beautiful Now’ as “sounding right out of the 1970s”, Tornado Sky know very well the musical waters they are navigating. There’s definitely an audience for it – we are in already. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Beautiful Now’ on Spotify: 


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