
Tonneau Shares Relatable Acoustic Piece  ‘Like Lovers Do’

A highly meaningful offering, ‘Like Lovers Do’ might cause the shedding of a few tears among listeners. Echoing the intricate conflict between pride and love – something that’s always been a point of friction for any relationship – the song takes Tonneau’s lyrical message to new heights, wrapping it in a stunning acoustic arrangement. Boasting a certain eclecticism, the record features an acoustic guitar and a pizzicato violin, alongside a blissful vibraphone. 

While the arrangement is rather witty and imaginative, putting a new twist on acoustic pop, Tonneau’s tender, relatable vocals guide the listeners with charisma and cathartic energy, evoking an introspective reflection that was indeed sparked by a real-life experience. As the Dutch songwriter explains: “Written after an argument with my spouse, it reflects the push and pull of wanting closeness but holding back, as well as the invitation to overcome that.”

Expanding on the subject, we discover that Tonneau doesn’t usually write love songs, yet this time around the theme felt truly personal and relevant, in a striking display of unfiltered expression and guided artistry. That’s what music is about, after all! Marking the project’s fourth single to date, ‘Like Lovers Do’ speaks volumes about the richness of intent enjoyed by the Amsterdam-based creative. We are confident we’ll be hearing more gems soon enough. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Like Lovers Do’ on Spotify:


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