
Tom Minor Closes The Year in Style with Nuanced Full Album

Crowning an artistic journey that has been flourishing for the best part of two years, Tom Minor closes the year with an impressive milestone: his debut album, aptly titled: ‘Eleven Easy Pieces on Anger & Disappointment’. The record follows up on a string of singles, all slowly revealing the quirky and relatable lyricism championed so proudly by the English troubadour. Borrowing from an eclectic pool of influences and genres, Minor’s music is nothing short of dramatic and poignant. 

Opener ‘Is Everything Okay’, for instance, is a stunning slice of power pop energy that never lets go, echoing seminal figures such as The Beatles, among others. ‘The Bad Life’ changes the sonic script quite a bit, delving into grittier rock territories, yet maintaining a poised, mellow character. ‘It’s Easy to Play Hearts’ sees a charming Hammond-esque organ debut on the album, echoing Motown grooves and soulful melodies. 

It doesn’t end there: packed with dynamic compositions, “Eleven Easy Pieces on Anger & Disappointment” has a lot more to offer, especially in philosophical terms. Reflecting on the nuance of the human experience, Tom Minor discusses a variety of relevant topics that will likely strike a chord with any keen listener out there. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Eleven Easy Pieces on Anger & Disappointment’ on Spotify:


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