Tillerman Return with Gentle Ballad ‘Hold Me, Haunt Me’

Not a new name on our pages, Tillerman have remained impressed in our memories thanks to gems such as a cover of ‘Night in White Satin’, a retro-flavoured piece we previously enjoyed and shared on the blog. Now, the Leeds-based outfit returns with ‘Hold Me, Haunt Me’, an elegant and gentle ballad that seems to draw elements from the previous record; perhaps, Tillerman have learnt from the best, now incorporating that very sense of retro nostalgia into their original material. 

It’s a triumph; slowly moving into majestic and poignant territories, ‘Hold Me, Haunt Me’ transitions from a stripped-back and fragile jewel into a vibrant, cinematic anthem, something that will resonate even with the most apathetic of listeners out there. 

Speaking about the traumatic and delicate event that inspired the song, Tillerman explains: “The song was originally half written and partially demo’s on an old 8-track back in 2010, after my Dad passed away quite young from cancer. It was a cry for him to come back, return, haunt me, if just to say things that weren’t said, to see him again”.

Recommended! Discover ‘Hold Me Haunt Me’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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