Thy Veils Share Hazy and Hypnotising Album ‘Next Forever’

This is not just an album, it’s a whole sci-fi universe. It’s a philosophical piece on the infallible passing of time. Most of all though, it’s a wonderfully crafted record that’s a joy to listen to. ‘Next Forever’ sees Romanian outfit Thy Veils doing what they do best: exploring the boundaries between genres and stylings, finding a path forward that’s innovative and refreshing. 

Drenched in ethereal, blissful textures, dreamy electronica and hazy, misty vocals, ‘Next Forever’ takes the listener into a fictional universe, one where Thy Veils dominates uncontested. Combining trip-hop and modern jazz (‘Sunvault’, for instance) and glitchy, pointillist offerings (title track ‘Next Forever’), the album is surprisingly long and comprehensive, even venturing into world music (‘Heart In Wonder’ springs to mind). 

Speaking about the inspiration behind such a stunning record, Thy Veils explains: “The album envisions moments from the world beyond the year 30000, where every soul on Earth flourishes in the sublime state of pure consciousness, the Thuriya Avastha, where the individual self recognizes its identity with the absolute reality – often referred to as Brahman in Hindu philosophy”.

Recommended! Discover ‘Next Forever’ on Bandcamp:


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