Thorax-Wach Share Leftfield Album ‘Kafka in Berlin’

This is an album that we feel particularly close to. It ticks all the boxes of our favourite discoveries: obscure, leftfield, and slightly experimental. It will likely not be a record for everyone, but we are confident the boldest and most enlightened listeners will rejoice after such a brilliant find. ‘Kafka in Berlin’ comes to us courtesy of German duo Thorax-Wach, veteran musicians previously active during the 80s and 90s. 

The album signals their return to the domestic and international music scene, a stark and gritty dive into abstract digital textures, analogue synthetisers and minimalistic drum machines, functioning as a blend between Kraftwerk and Aphex Twin; all declined following Thorax-Wach’s eclectic musical sensibility. 

Lyrically, ‘Kafka in Berlin’ follows Franz Kafka’s aesthetic universe in 1923/24 Berlin, making for a listening experience that’s not just sonically rewarding, but also culturally rich and witty. Olaf Kraemer and Frank Dieckmann are the two talented humans behind the project. You can buy a physical version of the record here

Discover ‘Kafka in Berlin’ on Spotify: 


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