The Unfiltered Rock Energy of Stone Portal

In an over-complicated world, we have perhaps lost the ability to enjoy the little things, even in music. For instance, do you remember when we used to bow our heads to powerful, fierce yet simple guitar riffs, over a steady drum beat? It was nothing pretentious, but everyone was able to instantly connect to it. It was unfiltered rawness, with strong immediacy to it. Think AC/DC – those were the times! 

Channelling rock energy that we thought was long lost, trio Stone Portal is here to provide us with those very same simple things we were blabbering about. And what a relief! Their latest single ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ is everything you need for your inner nostalgia to kick in. Large, heavy guitar lays empowering riffs over punchy drums, while a friendly, melodious topline accompanies the listeners into a throwback-style listening experience. 

What more could you want? Good stuff. Band members Ken Maclean, Ged Cartwright and Ryan Jones (also producing) really hit the mark. What’s interesting, it’s the online nature of their collaboration. The three talents put together individual strengths (songwriting, singing and shredding guitars) in order to achieve a superior outcome. Emerging from Scotland, we’ll make sure to keep an eye on them. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ on Spotify:


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