The Perics Pay Homage to 90s Rock on New Album ‘Songs to clean the house to’

Many years ago, I dreamt of creating compilation albums to play while performing tasks. ‘Songs to cook to’, or ‘Songs to garden to’…things to that effect. Enter The Perics, a Liverpool-based duo comprising Matt Warren and Gee Nelson. The pair have been on the scene since early 2021 when they released their debut single ‘Do you really care?’, but today we’ll be focusing on their brand new album ‘Songs to clean the house to’. Comfortably the winner of my “Best Album Title of the Year” award, the duo’s latest effort pays tribute to the classic rock and pop-punk days of the 90s. Think Green Day meets Fountains of Wayne with a little bit of Weezer thrown in for good measure!

‘Things Look Pretty Good’ gets the show rolling. A synth-infused and high-energy tune that hits all the right notes! ‘Circles’ then follows in a more gritty and punky fashion, showcasing The Perics’ impeccable versatility. 

The Pixies-esque ‘Deadbeat Dad’ is the record’s third track and another absolute gem. I just love that driving bass guitar! Then comes the lead single ‘Time’ which has racked up over 50,000 plays on Spotify and, in all honesty, we’re just getting started! Do yourself a favour and give ‘Songs to clean the house to’ a spin. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed!

Serious album alert! Enjoy ‘Songs to clean the house to’ on Spotify now:


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