Styles 1001 and Rasar Amani Prepare to Release Enlightening Record ‘The M9 Project’

We are not going to lie to you. ‘The M9 Project’ is one of the best rap albums we have heard in a long time. Sacramento legends Styles1001 and Rasar Amani really hit the mark, showcasing the full extent of their artistic magnitude. Now, our judgement could be flawed: you see, we love classic hip-hop, and we are – in a way – still stuck in the 90s. Naturally, Styles1001’s production style fits us perfectly: big beats, soul and jazzy samples, soulful keys… what more could you ever want? It all seems to pair incredibly well with Amani’s vocal flow and tone.

The two Californian talents are a match made in heaven. ‘The M9 Project’ is a mellow and soulful journey into the history of the genre, treated with solemn admiration and respect. Not only, but the album is also a strong statement on the pair’s personal beliefs and strengths, providing enlightenment on Black History in the final musical piece ‘’Thank You’.

Long tracks allow for Rasar Amani and the guests’ lyricism to come through copious and authentic; everything making this album last longer is welcomed. The record will see the light of day on November 17th, but you could get two tracks now if you pre-order the release on Bandcamp (see below). 

‘The M9 Project’ is a true masterpiece, and we don’t use this word lightly. Big up Rasar Armani and Styles1001, thank you for your artistry. 

Recommended! Pre-order ‘The M9 Project’ on Bandcamp:


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