
Stephanie Westdal Shares Deeply Personal New Single ‘Bleed’

‘Bleed’ is the deeply personal and intimate new tune courtesy of Winnipeg-based singer/songwriter Stephanie Westdal. Penned by the artist way back in 1996, it’s taken twenty-eight years for ‘Bleed’ to see the light of day, but its message is sadly as resonant and important as ever. A song that deals with desperation, depression, and self-harm, ‘Bleed’ tells a story of feeling lost and misunderstood with nowhere to turn for help.

Juxtaposing deep-seated lyricism with a smooth and seductive soundscape, Stephanie highlights the internal conflict between what we show people and how we genuinely feel. Both a cry for help and an ode to the masks we are forced to wear, ‘Bleed’ echoes with raw honesty. It’s vulnerable, powerful, and simply unforgettable in its emotional depth.

“Feeling I had nowhere to turn, I put everything into ‘Bleed’ and bravely sang it for the first time live,” recalls Westdal. “The listeners immediately connected with the song and kept asking me to sing the ‘switchblade song'”. 

Produced by Chris Burke-Gaffney who, as a teenager, toured with acts like Triumph, Guns N’ Roses, and AC/DC, ‘Bleed’ is an unflinching look into the heart of human vulnerability, brought to life with precision and care. 

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Bleed’ on Spotify now:


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