Scream Mountain Peak into the Fragility of the Human Mind in ‘Suburbanite’

We are not sure how a continent so vast yet so sparsely populated can give birth to so much musical talent. Australia always provides a fertile breeding ground for some of the most interesting up-and-coming offerings. This week, we are focused on Scream Mountain, four piece indie extravaganza from Perth, Western Australia. Hidden away in a challenging yet rewarding land, the Aussie talents have been pursuing their signature brand of eclectic indie-pop since 2019, showcasing themselves for a nuanced, refined sound and a big heart for memorable melodies. 

Closing a productive year in style, Scream Mountain leaves with one last gift, ‘Suburbanite’. In it, the listener will find introspective yet relatable lyrical matter, exploring the fragility all humans carry within themselves. As the group explains: “Suburbanite is a cluttered mind,

with a phobia of showing vulnerability to others”

Setting herself up as a mid-tempo power ballad, ‘Suburbanite’ blends rock’s grittiness with pop songwriting, resulting in an approachable yet mesmerising package. The addition of keys and electronic elements helps the band place the record in highly-contemporary settings. It is this eclecticism that characterizes Scream Mountain the most. In a world of extremes, they provide solace and understanding, joining their listeners in the daily struggle for emotional survival. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Suburbanite’ on Spotify:


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