
Rusty Reid Shares Philosophical Piece ‘The Meaning of Life’

We have written about Rusty Reid extensively, especially regarding the remaster of his classic album ‘Head To Heart’, a collection of meaningful, nuanced tunes we described as “bringing a more refined aural quality to his catalogue”. We stand by our words: while Reid’s artistic output has always been relatable and planted in the Americana and Rock tradition, the remaster helps carry it into contemporary settings, at least allowing us to appreciate it with a better sound. 

‘The Meaning of Life’ is now the focus single from the LP. Built on the usual power-pop and classic rock formula that’s so common in Reid’s work, the song sees a controversial and rather philosophical topic wrapped in a shiny guitar-powered livery, fully serving Rusty’s warm and detailed vocals. 

Delving deeper into the inspiration behind ‘The Meaning of Life’, Reid shares: “I mulled it for several years, and I noticed something. Almost every potential answer put forward relates strictly to humans. Except one, ‘procreate.’ And that answer cannot possibly be correct because a vast percentage of the lives that ever existed never succeeded in procreating, yet it cannot be claimed that these lives were without meaning.”

Recommended! Discover ‘The Meaning of Life’ on Spotify: 


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