
Runnan Shares Dreamy Album “浮世幻想” (Floating-World Fantasy)

A nuanced work of art, “浮世幻想” (Floating-World Fantasy) is a welcome discovery. Penned by multi-talented Chinese creative Runnan, the record balances over elegant, glitchy electronica and playful, euphoric synth patches, providing the perfect settings for Runnan’s malleable and mellow vocals. There’s tons of dreamy and ethereal energy here, and that’s what makes it an absolutely worthy listening experience. 

Although the songs are delivered in Chinese, we still believe it’s a wonderful experience for Western listeners. Frankly, Runnan’s vocals are so good that doesn’t matter in which language they are in, they are perfectly capable of creating escapism and embracing the listener in euphoric, fuzzy goo. As he explains: “I wanted to capture the essence of daydreaming and everyday fantasies that we all have, even in this anxious and restless world. Through this music, I hope to provide an escape, excitement, and elevation for everyone who listens.”

Recommended! Discover “浮世幻想” (Floating-World Fantasy) on Spotify:


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