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Ruiz! Gears Up for Upcoming Album with ‘Stupid Old Git’

There’s a lot to admire in ‘Stupid Old Git’. While not a ground-breaking record, the track develops charmingly and with eclectic flair, blending vintage rock influences with decisively pop songwriting and a whiff of oriental energy – which might be hard to believe but it is exactly that, an oriental string-like riff which stands out in the overall sonic formula. It all showcases Ruiz!’s incredible compositional work, something he’s developed in the past three years, releasing ten records and getting better over time. 

You see, he’s a ‘pandemic musical baby’, as we define them: a plethora of talented people who were given a break from busy life thanks to lockdown and social restrictions, allowing them to focus on artistic creation. In Ruiz!’s case, it certainly paid off, with the Sheffield-base rocker now proud of his long and wholesome catalogue. 

‘Stupid Old Git’ anticipated the project’s second album, expected in February. Speaking about the inspiration behind the song, Ruiz! Explains: “It’s a song about a very annoying, patronising and condescending person I once knew who made things very difficult for me. We’ve all met one, I’m sure…”

Recommended! Discover ‘Stupid Old Git’ on Spotify: 


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