
Rothstein Releases Evocative Album ‘How Not To Drown’

Approaching Rothstein’s music is a rather transformative affair: the NYC-based Grammy-winning singer/songwriter champions an intimate and evocative style that flourishes on his cinematic and introspective vocals, often wrapped by extremely modern sound design and a minimal yet punchy production. ‘How Not To Drown’ – Rothstein’s latest album – is the biggest evidence of that, sculpting a sonic journey that’s epic and highly relatable. 

What’s more, the listeners also get a music video for ‘no balconies in vegas’, featuring actress and model Violette Trotter. Speaking about the record, Rothstein explains: “My new album ‘How Not To Drown’ is pretty dark, but it’s more concerned with being beautiful than anything I’ve made before. Darkness is like that; people do bad things because doing them feels good, and many of this record’s most gut-wrenching moments feel so good it’s easy not to notice what I’m saying.”

Recommended! Discover ‘How Not To Drown’ and the video for ‘no balconies in vegas’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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