
Rose White: “The first time I stood on a stage and sang, I just knew – this is my happy place”

The keen reader might remember a recent feature about Rose White, London upcomer with a knack for Soul sensibilities and Pop lyricism. While ‘Evil Side’ signalled her return to the new music scene after a long hiatus, follow-up number ‘Filthy Dreams’ draws a clear path towards White’s upcoming EP, releasing next year. 

Sharing a wholesome and organic soul arrangement, the song feels extremely catchy and relatable. Putting Rose’s evocative and soulful vocals on a pedestal, the record reiterates a clear truth: the Polish talent has mastered the nuanced art of songwriting, as is clearly shown in the glorious chorus contained in ‘Filthy Dreams’. 

Intrigued by the project and its wonderful music, we caught up with Rose White to find out more about her artistry and future goals… Interview below!

Hey Rose, how is it going? some of our readers might not be familiar with your project, how would you describe yourself, in a few words?

I’m a London-based singer-songwriter currently on a journey that is releasing music. I was born and raised in Poland, but moved to the UK 5 years ago. I want my music to tell stories about struggles that all human beings experience, but at the same time I want my listeners to feel the groove and joy that music brings. I’m currently promoting my newest single ‘Filthy Dream’. It’s the second track from my upcoming debut EP ‘One Fourth Mark’ due to be released on the 24th of February 2023.

Your current work is the result of a long journey; What first drew you to making music?

Since my earliest memories, I’ve always been surrounded by music. My parents listened to various genres in the house, I used to be a ballroom dancer as a teenager, and I took piano lessons as well. At some point in my life, I felt that writing songs would be my ‘thing’ and storytelling felt therapeutic. I remember the first time I stood on a stage and sang so vividly, at that moment I just knew – this is my happy place.

If you had the opportunity to pick any artists in the world for a collaboration, who would be your first choice? (and second choice, perhaps?)

My first choice would be Stevie Wonder. He is a musical and lyrical genius. I feel like it would be a fruitful and inspiring encounter. Another dream that unfortunately won’t come true is jamming with Amy Winehouse. Her music and storytelling always inspired me.

You recently released an evocative and soulful gem, Filthy Dreams. We love your organic, wholesome yet playful style. What does the song represent to you?

This song started with a fantasy – I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be romantically involved with a wealthy and powerful man. I got intrigued by the thought of how their lives must look like; a fairytale filled with abundance and power. A while after the initial demo, I realised that the song is more universal than I first imagined it to be. ‘Filthy Dream’ is about toxic relationships in general; a topic that most of us are familiar with. I am also very happy with the musical direction this track took – the sultry, soulful instrumental with a smooth saxophone finish perfectly resonates with the song’s message.

Do you feel more confident writing music alone, or within a team?

I feel more comfortable writing music alone, but I never finish the project on my own. I am always the first one to come up with an idea. I need my own space to find the perfect lyrical theme and compose a basic demo. This is the most sacred process for me, because that’s when the song is truly born. Nevertheless, I always work with more people afterwards. We try to serve the song, not feed our egos. I am lucky to be surrounded by extremely talented musicians wanting to work with me and none of the releases would be possible without them.

London is a very multicultural and eclectic musical hub; what was your experience with it when you originally came over from Poland?

I fell in love with London the first time I came here: I had just quit ballroom dancing and had my first summer off as a teenager. I instantly felt this is the city I want to live in (worth mentioning I was 15 years old). London was a change, but a good change. I met a bunch of talented people here, open-minded musicians with a mission – create music. One downside worth mentioning though is the fact that there is a group of people in this city, who are only after the vulnerable creatives at the beginning of their journey. It’s not always easy to stand up for yourself and call out scammers.

‘Filthy Dreams’ signals a path to your upcoming EP. Together with ‘Evil Side’, the single marks your return to the new music scene after your 2018’s debut ‘Ride’. Could you share with us your musical research in the few years in between? What were you doing?

I’ve been looking for the people I connect with, searching for my ‘sound’. I realised in order to present myself as an artist again, I have to make sure that I’m surrounded by people that I have amazing music chemistry with and that I know exactly how I want my music to sound like. I’ve been on a wild journey since 2018; getting to know people, testing the waters with different musicians. I decided to finally release music, because I think I’m ready as an artist to share my perspective and music with a wider audience.

What are the next steps for your project? Anything exciting on the horizon?

The beginning of 2023 will be busy and exciting! I am back on stage in January for a stripped-down acoustic gig. Then we’re doing a big EP launch party at North-London venue ‘Never For Ever’ on the 22nd of February. The whole concert is organised by me. It’ll be a full band show featuring all songs from my debut EP. I am a bit of a workaholic and have been on mute for way too long, so I’m already planning another release after the EP drops. I have a lot I want to share with the world.


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