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Ronnue: “Music is in my head constantly. I wake up with it and I dream about it”

Summing up his sound as retro-funk, Seattle-based singer/songwriter, arranger, and producer Ronnue is a true force to be reckoned with. I recently came upon his ridiculously catchy single ‘You Got Me Open’, and then found myself diving deep into his discography. What I found was a seriously gifted musician – and one that I wanted to know more about.

Stoked that he agreed to an interview, Ronnue chats with us about the early days of producing songs for others and what it feels like to have hundreds of thousands of Spotify streams! He also names the one artist whose brain he dreams of picking and so, without further ado, please give a big welcome to our new friend Ronnue!

Hello and welcome Ronnue! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us!  Before we get into the nitty-gritty, please tell us a little bit about your musical journey. When did your love affair with music begin?

Hi Jeremy, thank you so much for having me! Well, I started out behind the scenes. I wrote, arranged and produced songs for local artists in Seattle & Atlanta. While I did this I also started managing. I got many artists to the door (almost signed to major labels) but never through the door!  About ten years ago I got with my co-producer Roc Phizzle and said I wanted to record my own album. The concept was going to be that we wrote, arranged and produced the songs and then featured different vocalists that we worked with. But, after completing our first song, Roc Phizzle said “We don’t need anyone to re-record our songs. You are going to do it!” I said “But I’m not a vocalist” and he replied, “Well you are now.” That’s how my projects started.

‘You Got Me Open’ began my adventure with your artistry, and I haven’t looked back since. The song now has over 400,000 plays on Spotify! How does it feel to know that so many people are listening to and resonating with your music?

Actually, as of now, if you count all the different versions, ‘You Got Me Open” is currently at 627, 403 streams and on track to hit a million streams. I feel like this is going to be the first of many hits!  It feels AMAZING that after all these years we are having our first HIT! The world is finally coming around to me!

Who are some of your biggest musical influences? Who did you grow up listening to? And would you say that your tastes have changed over the years? 

I’m old school influenced – the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s. My biggest inspirations are Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston, Rick James, and Madonna. I love the blue-eyed soul of Boy George, Michael McDonald, and George Michael. Today’s artists – Beyonce, Fantasia, and Bruno Mars blow me away!

Could you tell our readers a little bit about your creative process? How do you take just a thought or an idea and turn it into a song?

Music is in my head constantly. I wake up with it and I dream about it!  Roc Phizzle has played the majority of music on most of my songs. He is amazing; he plays the drums, bass, keyboard, and bass. I usually have the melody and lyrics and he builds the track. Sometimes I bring other musicians in to give it a different sound, but with all my songs I have a clear vision of what I want.

Einstein famously said, “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.”  If you were not a musician, what would you be?

Well, I am currently getting my teaching degree, so I would have to say a teacher and then a principal.

What, to you, is music’s role in society?

Music is the heartbeat of society. You can hear a song and remember where you were when you first heard it.  You can listen to music and experience many different emotions!  

If you could have a conversation with a legendary musician and ask them one question, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

My ultimate dream is to sit down with Berry Gordy and pick his brain. He is the blueprint for everything I do! 

I’m hearing through the grapevine that 2024 is going to be the year of Ronnue, and I certainly wouldn’t bet against it! What do you have in store for the world?

Wow, I am honored and humbled!  I’m going to continue to put out my content and build my brand, one hit at a  time!


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