Rivita Returns with Latest Effort ‘Too Close’

Emerging from Los Angeles, Rivita champions strong artistry and songwriting prowess, all qualities that help her deliver records that feel playful, uplifting and exuberant. ‘Too Close’ is the strongest evidence of that: Rivita’s latest effort, the track builds on charming and bouncing grooves, infusing a certain exotic eclecticism to the single. 

Crowning it all, we find Rivita’s evocative vocals, delving into themes of self-acceptance and self-growth. As she explains: “With this song I wanted to shed light on the mixed feelings of having moved on from past heartbreak and still feeling cautious. I think these feelings are normal, of having your heart broken and having gone through a painful situation and still feeling the aftermath of it when someone new tries to come too close!”

Furthermore, ‘Too Close’ gets a stunning music video, available on Youtube: 

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