There’s something highly addictive in Ricky Leroy Brown’s latest single, ‘Luxuria’. Boasting powerful RnB vocals, the Spanish talent echoes the golden era of Michael Jackson, both in his nuanced and evocative vocals and in the 80s-inspired groovy instrumental. Perhaps hosting a pinch of nostalgia, ‘Luxuria’ hits the mark when it comes to charm, attracting listeners thanks to its fierceness and uplifting energy.
A collaboration with fellow singer Lucia (from the band MUXU), ‘Luxuria’ is part of a two songs EP, which also places big attention on stunning music videos, produced and edited by film school of Madrid members: Sergio Pendalla, Quinus Vergara & Adrian Martinez.
Intrigued by the project, we caught up with Ricky Leroy Brown to find out more about his artistry and future goals… interview below!
Hey Ricky, how is it going? some of our readers might not be familiar with your project, how would you describe yourself, in a few words?
I`m a king and a queen, the golden vocalist, the guy with no brain but sure a lot of style…
Your current work is the result of a long journey; What first drew you to making music?
I guess it was the mixture of me learning the drums as a little boy and listening to people like Aretha Franklin, Prince and Queen in my teenage years.

If you had the opportunity to pick any artists in the world for a collaboration, who would be your first choice? (and second choice, perhaps?)
Most of my idols are sadly no longer with us …but I guess Lana Del Rey would be perfect.
You recently released a charming single, ‘LUXURIA’, with fellow creative Lucia. It has a distinct Jackson flavour, and a rather vintage flair. What does the record mean to you?
The record started as a decent concept but now it contains so much more. It inhabits the pure love, joy and respect I have for Lucia as a musician and human being.
Do you feel more confident writing music alone, or within a team?
I would say alone. I like to take my time. A few years back I used to write 20-40 songs a year but now I might end up with only 5-8 a year and give everything to the songs they need to be perfect. It might not be the most commercial way of doing things but I can`t stand half-assed things no more…
How did the collaboration with Lucia come about?
In the beginning, I was looking to work with maybe 2 or 3 Latin musicians but Lucia was the most professional one and we couldn`t deny the fact that our chemistry was just bitchin` good.
Artistically speaking, what challenges have the last two years presented you with?
Due to Covid19 I was able to see the real faces of my friends, colleagues and country (Switzerland). I was faced with so many challenges that I didn`t see the light for two very long years. Spain however was the knight in shining armor and saved me financially and mentally. So because of that, the last two years were filled with me organising my future and footprint in Spain as a musician and as Ricky….
What are the next steps for your project? Anything exciting on the horizon?
We are currently working on a series/movie about my life for a streaming service. Other than that I`m not allowed to speak more on the subject. Stay tuned for more!