Rich Delinquent Shares Emotronic Banger ‘Sleepwalking With The Dead’

Describing himself as an ‘Emotronic’ artist, Los Angeles-based upcomer Rich Delinquent makes a bold statement about his artistry and unique character. It’s hard not to agree though; based on what we can hear in ‘Sleepwalking With The Dead’ – Rich’s latest effort – the project is uniquely drawn to poignant and emotional lyricism, together with a sonic outlook that’s certainly emo and melancholic. 

Built over electronic and partly hip-hop references, ‘Sleepwalking With The Dead’ benefits from the collaboration with fellow rising star 7evin7ins; together, the pair reaches their artistic zenith, crafting a record that’s relatable and vibrant, just like the two artist’s charming identities. Special mention must be given to Rich Delinquent’s malleable vocals, incredibly evocative and nostalgic – the perfect fit for such a meaningful piece. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the song, Rich explains: “Navigating life as if trapped in a dystopian dream, yearning for the awakening embrace of normalcy— this is the eerie dance of the Sleepwalking with the Dead.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Sleepwalking With The Dead’ on Spotify:


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