
Reverend James Elmore Jenkins Seeks Salvation on Latest Album ‘Theosis’

‘Theosis’, the brand new album from South Carolina-based Reverend James Elmore Jenkins, is one of the most interesting and intriguing that I’ve heard so far this year. Dealing with a person going through theosis, a transformative process whose aim is likeness to or union with God, the album takes you on a psychedelic, bluesy, rock ‘n’ roll adventure. Accompanied by Wesley C Clark on lead guitar, Robert Edward Soren on bass, and Johnny Reaves on drums, Jenkins was inspired to create ‘Theosis’ after a meeting with an Orthodox priest. 

‘Diapsalmata Blues’ is the album’s opener, and looks at a person who is grappling to understand what their purpose in this world is. Done through electrifying guitar riffs, a following bass, upbeat drums, and the wonderfully gritty and textured vocals of Jenkins, it sets the tone of the album perfectly.

As we progress, we go through the stages of theosis. Statements from the gospel, rejection of the world, and ultimately, praise and acceptance. “The final track is the beatific vision of fire where all the world is swept away,” says Jenkins. Truthfully, I’ve never really been one for Christian rock, but ‘Theosis’ is a mind-bending album that I’ve fallen seriously hard for. I think you will too.

Serious album alert! Enjoy ‘Theosis’ on Spotify now:


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