
Raleyëll Wishes for Peace in Latest Effort ‘Lullaby’

The healing powers of music cannot be underestimated. With its transformative energy, writing a song is often able to provide a welcome artistic outlet to the chaos and uncertainty that might populate our inner selves. Raleyëll knows it very well. For her, music is a strong tool to describe our modern times or to highlight burning issues. Returning after a long hiatus, the Israelian songstress reiterates what said above, releasing ‘Lullaby’ as a response to a decisively dramatic global situation, especially regarding the Russian aggression against Ukraine. 

Built over a charming and delicate electronic framework, ‘Lullaby’ results in a poignant and cinematic ballad, the perfect setting for Raleyëll’s ethereal and evocative vocals. Lyrically, the record seeks to convey the pain and anguish of living in a world that is constantly in turmoil, and the longing for a peaceful world where life can continue as normal. Describing the inspiration behind her work, the Israel talent explains: “2022 was a challenge everybody had to survive. Writing this song was some kind of my way of coping. Yes, “Lullaby” is a story of unforgettable evil and bad people, but hopefully, it doesn’t end badly”.

To note, the single comes with a wonderful cover art courtesy of Vasilisa Delone. In a world where the effects of war and conflict can be overwhelming, ‘Lullaby’ is a reminder that peace is still possible. It is a call to action for us all to strive for a better tomorrow and never lose faith in humanity.

Recommended! Discover ‘Lullaby’ on Spotify:


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