
Pork Pie Showcase Majestic and Hard-Hitting Single ‘The Raven’

We recently wrote about Pork Pie‘s fierce album ‘GOLDEN LEAF SHEET’, celebrating it as “a slice of vintage, garage blues and rock&roll energy, all packed into a nostalgic sonic livery”. Yet, such a sentence doesn’t perhaps give the full idea of the rebellious and fuzzy character the project has to offer. Now, the talented Irish outfit asks us to focus on ‘The Raven’, a majestic, hard-hitting and long track taken from the album itself. 

The sonic script is the quintessential Pork Pie personality. Amidst a sea of raw and harsh guitar tones, rowdy, rolling drums and screamy, punk-flavoured vocals, the Dundalk-based project manages to fully impress us once again, delivering an energetic anthem that never lets you go, keeping the listeners on their toes for a whopping, intense five minutes (almost). 

Speaking about the inspiration behind ‘The Raven’s cryptic lyricism, Pork Pie explain: “It’s a tale about a  New Age hippie marionette player and maker that Michael Stafford busked within Galway many moons ago in Galway City. The song lyrics were developed from a poem he wrote during this time.” Such quirky and niche storytelling tells us a lot about the band: while their musical references might be friendly and accessible, their songwriting is deep and steeped in tradition. 

Recommended! Discover ‘The Raven’ on Spotify: 


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