PaysoPeach: “My biggest musical influence would be my love and passion for sound”

Up-and-coming Atlanta-based artist PaysoPeach recently dropped her sophomore single in the form of ‘Too Emotional’. Serving as the follow-up to ‘A-Fuk’, ‘Too Emotional’ is a short yet impactful little ditty. Despite its brevity, the tune packs a serious punch, and delivers infectious hooks and a compelling narrative that leaves a lasting impression.

Intrigued to find out more about the talented musician, I was thrilled when she agreed to an interview! Taking us through the “birth” of ‘Too Emotional’, what “being successful” in the industry looks like for her, and what she believes music’s role in society is, please give a big welcome to our new friend PaysoPeach!

Welcome aboard PaysoPeach! I can’t wait to introduce you to our readers! Let’s kick things off with an easy one…Who is PaysoPeach and how would you describe your sound?  

PaysoPeach is my alter ego. I would describe my sound as a versatile mix of alternative rhythms and rap beats with my expressive lyrics.

I’ve fallen completely in love with your latest single ‘Too Emotional’! It’s such an entrancing and vibey little tune! What can you tell our readers about the track and do you remember its “birth” so to speak?

‘Too Emotional’ is simply a track that was created on a day my depression was really beating me down. I was locked in my home office for an entire day cut off from everything and everyone, played with some beats and the lyrics just came out.

If I’m not mistaken, ‘Too Emotional’ will form part of your upcoming debut album. That’s extremely exciting! Do you have a release date in mind? Please tell us more.

Yes, the album will be called ‘From The Heart’. A release date has not yet been officially set but for sure I’ll have it out before summer ‘24. 

To the readers, trust me the wait will definitely be worth it!

Who are some of your biggest musical influences? Who did you grow up listening to? And would you say that your tastes have changed over the years? 

My biggest musical influence would be my love and passion for sound.

Growing up in multiple mixed-culture environments I was blessed with listening to multiple genres. My tastes have not changed over the years. I’ve stuck to what I grew up hearing and continue to expand my ears more.

If you could claim one song in the world as your own, what would it be and why?

New Edition’s ‘Mr. Telephone Man’. I always just loved this song. I can feel it in my chest when I hear the beat, rhythm, and lyrics.

What would “being successful” in the music industry look like for you? And do you see it as an imperative or more of a cherry on top?

Being successful to me looks like people hearing my songs and really feeling the raw expression of themselves.

What, to you, is music’s role in society?

For me, music’s role in society is to help people feel comfortable and heard with whatever lifestyle or emotion it is they are living or feeling.

When you’re not creating new music, what keeps you busy and what do you enjoy doing?

All I like to do is music so if I’m not creating music I’m sleeping, eating, drawing, or hanging out with family.

I have no doubt that there are many more songs up your sleeve, and I truly can’t wait to hear what else you have in store! In a broader sense though, what do you hope for in your musical future?

I simply hope to keep reaching people and leaving my vibe on them in a positive way with each song that I create.

At the end of the day, it’s all with love and from the heart for the soul.


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