Päter Shares Charismatic and Playful Gem ‘Nicotine Hallelujah’

Upon hearing ‘Nicotine Hallelujah’ we were pleasantly surprised. The song works well whichever way you look at it: from its catchy, playful and memorable topline, to its lyrical relatability, passing through a clearly fresh and dynamic production. Everything screams ‘masterpiece’, signalling Päter as one of the upcoming global talents the industry should watch out for. Emerging from Toronto, the talented musician always had a knack for playful and wistful storytelling, something that really flourishes in ‘Nicotine Hallelujah’. 

Sonically, we are in uncertain territories, with the record channelling pop, folk and indie energy into a unique and peculiar formula. Guitars are hard at work, highlighting important phrases with fierce and shiny riffing and strategic strumming. Their bright tones pair really well with Päter’s evocative and charming vocals, drawing the listeners into the song from the first note. 

The Canadian artist manages to craft an irresistible slice of musical goodness, a record that frankly is one of the best we have heard in a long time. Speaking about the inspiration behind ‘Nicotine Hallelujah’, Päter explains: “I wrote this song after smoking my first cigarette at 16 years old and thinking ‘this is where the downward spiral begins.’ It captures the anxiety I had about growing up with a lot of dreams and no idea how to get there. It’s one of the few that’s stuck with me this long. Over the years the song has taken on a life of its own.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Nicotine Hallelujah’ on Spotify and Youtube: 


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