There’s a ton of positive and playful attitude in ‘Tangerine’. Built over slick indie tones and charming vocals, the track signals Oh Ryan’s latest foray into their artistry, sharing with the world a gem that’s a telling tale of artistic talent. Hailing from Dublin, the band boasts tons of character and songwriting expertise, packing the single with easy-to-remember guitar riffs and irresistible melodies.
Intrigued by the project, we caught up with ‘Oh Ryan’ to find out more about their artistry and future goals… Interview below!
Hey guys, how is it going? some of our readers might not be familiar with your project, how would you describe yourself, in a few words?
Music about the absurdity of modern life for a young, disillusioned workforce.
Your current work is the result of a long journey; what motivated you to form a band? Are you finding that creating music in a collective dimension suits you well?
It started with just a general jam session we weren’t expecting to start anything! I [Sam Warmington, Songwriter for the band] had just written I Quit My Job and felt the need to hear it with a live band. After that first jam with Steve (@stevenkennedymusic) and Colm (@colm_gero) we realised our musical chemistry was off the charts and we decided to pursue writing and jamming more music! Later we brought in Ben (@alettertoben) to add that extra sugar to the top of the tracks.

Is the Dublin music scene a fertile place for what you are offering? Have you ever played in the UK?
We’ve yet to play in the UK. However, the Dublin Music Scene is one of the richest and most diverse music scenes out there for sure! Especially for smaller artists. You’ve got amazing alternative rock and pop bands like Trinkets, Sunburn, or the heavier Green Gurl all the way to soulful folk artists like Bríd Lyons! All of these are class acts and hidden gems in the Dublin Music scene and the fact they aren’t bigger is honestly a national travesty!
You recently released a playful and catchy single, ‘Tangerine’. We love the layered vocals in the chorus, very anthemic and relatable. How did the track come about?
I went back home to Tipperary to surprise visit my family, but when I arrived I found out that everyone was away with friends or working. So naturally I was absolutely bored out of my mind and started playing the family piano (badly) and the main riff fell out of me. I wish I could say “I then brought this to Pharrell Williams and he was so impressed he brought me to L.A.” or something crazy like that, but the truth is I sat in the living room, in Tipperary, alone for the next 3 days and wrote the song.
What are you expecting the listeners to take away from it? Should we listen to it with a particular idea in mind?
I think it’s dangerous to give too much of the story behind a song away. I think the art should speak for itself and it’s now beyond me to give it meaning. But, I do hope people realise everything’s going to be ok after listening!
Do you guys usually write together or separately? who’s the main songwriter in the group?
So we’re all songwriters, but we’re also spread between a lot of projects of our own. In this band I’m (Sam Warmington) the writer of the lyrics, riffs and music. However, everyone brings something cool and unique during the rehearsals, like groovy bass lines, guitar licks or drum grooves.

Artistically speaking, what challenges have the last two years presented you with?
I think the hardest challenge in any kind of art is figuring out what to say next. I hate repeating myself too much, which hopefully makes all our songs unique in their own way. However, when your life falls into a routine it’s hard to think it’s anything inspiring, and I have to constantly remind myself that there actually is something interesting and oddly beautiful about the mundane.
What are the next steps for your project? Anything exciting on the horizon?
Ohhhhhh now that would be telling. But definitely keep a weather eye on that horizon, cause we’ll be riding over it soon enough!