
Norfolk Fierce Rock Outfit Spirit Gun Pays Tribute to Late Friend in Punchy EP ‘The Antonym’

Whatever you might think about Rock’n’Roll still being alive, you’ll find solace and nostalgia in Spirit Gun’s music. Emerging from Norfolk, Virginia, the group is able to condense the charming punch of classic rock and blend it with more refined post-punk tones, engaging in choir-style vocals that feel rebellious and edgy. 

Composed of Peter Overstreet (guitar and vocals), Oren Lev (drums), and Anthony Burgess (bass), Spirit Gun has been compared to The Bellrays, Fugazi, Lake Street Dive, and The White Stripes, and they have performed with national touring acts such as The Dollyrots, The Plot in You, Can’t Swim, and Downtown Brown. The band has been featured on radio, including WHRV 89.5 and 96X, and on Spotify playlists. On the back of this exciting artistic journey, the band is now back on the scene with a brand new record, ‘The Antonym’ EP. 

While the sound matter is fierce, rough and electrifying, the concept behind the album is more intimate and introspective. As Spirit Gun explains: “This EP is about our friend Jeff Hewitt. We lost him too soon. He was a true artist who constantly pushed himself. Jeff was a champion of our city, music, community, arts, and us.  We miss him and wrote The Antonym to honor him.  This collection of songs is about our city, life, loss, and looking back.This EP is about our friend Jeff Hewitt. We lost him too soon.”

Recommended! Discover ‘The Antonym’ EP on Spotify: 


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