NOHA Shares Eclectic and Personal Post-Punk Record ‘The Furies’

It’s hard to describe ‘The Furies’ with a single word, or a short statement. It’s an extensive record, borrowing from numerous influences and sub-cultures. Perhaps we can tell you how it makes us feel: free, unfiltered, excited… the album hits the listeners with a fuzzy and kaleidoscopic tapestry of sonic goodness, exploring bold and eclectic post-punk with psychedelic flair and troubadour lyricism. That’s what we appreciate about NOHA the most: he manages to stay immensely libertine in its instrumental approach, while maintaining a firm grip on its songwriting and conventional form structures. 

It’s remarkable. Delving into ‘The Furies’ is a highly unconventional journey. From the psych-pop livery of ‘2021’, to the fuzzy and spacious shoegaze energy in ‘Bloodmoon’ – everything stands out as its unique, peculiar piece, making the album more of a collection of single moments in time, collected into a cohesive record for our convenience. Truthfully though, they all stem from the same artistic source, that pandemic-induced sleazy introspection that’s been the case for so many of us. 

NOHA gives it a compelling, colourful and lively sonic costume, the perfect companion for such universal lyricism. As he explains: “Most of the album was written in quarantine and reflects much of my state of mind while weathering the storms of love, hate, lust, absence, isolation, paranoia, redemption, and regret. This is a singular artistic statement of who I am and what I went through; writing these songs got me through an incredibly dark period, and I hope they can do the same for the listener.”

Recommended! Discover ‘The Furies’ on Spotify: 


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