Nick Demois: “Whenever someone hands me the aux cord, you can bet there will be some sad bops”

Hamburg-based singer/songwriter Nick Demois describes his music as “pop with a melancholic twist”. Last month, he finally released his long-await debut single in the form of ‘Losing Your Heart’, a deeply personal tune that sets the stage for a promising journey into the depths of his musical expression.

Keen to find out more about the talented artist, I was thrilled when Nick agreed to chat with us! Going in-depth about his debut single and forthcoming EP, what he believes music’s role in society is, and his love and adoration for Lady Gaga, please give a big welcome to our new friend Nick Demois!

Hi Nick, thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us! Let’s kick things off with an easy one…Who is Nick Demois and when did your love affair with music begin?

Thanks for having me – this is my first interview and it means the world to me. Nick Demois is my alter ego. He’s the kind of guy who’s always a bit too much in his head. He’s always overthinking and feeling a lot of emotions very intensely. I guess that’s how I fell in love with songwriting as a kid – it was always a way for me to express myself in a way that felt most natural to me.

I can’t quite believe that ‘Losing Your Heart’ is your debut single. It’s so polished and just a superb song in every way! What does the song mean to you and how did you decide that it was the one you wanted to introduce yourself to the world with?

I appreciate the feedback. If I was a little braver, I would have released some songs by now – but I never felt like they were “there” yet. So I spent a lot of time constructing the sound that I felt comfortable enough to share. ‘Losing Your Heart’ is about a person I dated. Looking back, he had so much potential, but I did not see it at the time. There is so much music out there that tells the perspective of the person who got hurt, and I felt like there needed to be more songs where you know you were the one who hurt someone. I think we can all relate to that and it can be just as painful.

Your upcoming EP, ‘Falling Apart For Ungodly Reasons’, is an unbelievably personal project. I’m wondering, if you’re comfortable of course, whether you could tell our readers a bit more about what to expect from it.

In 2022, my ex-boyfriend died. He’d been a part of my life for over five years and always felt like family to me. It was the kind of love where I always thought we would grow old together, and even when we broke up, it felt like something temporary and we’d find our way back together. Which – surprise – we did. A few times. But when I realized he was gone forever, I kept finding myself in situations that reminded me of our time together. From missing the warmth of his touch to never hearing his goofy laugh again. Hell, just the realization that I’d never get annoyed again when he called while I was out with my friends made me cry. I was devastated over a guy who was no longer mine. That’s what ‘Falling Apart For Ungodly Reasons’ is all about. If you like sad songs, this project is for you.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences? And who would I see under “Recently Played” on your streaming service of choice?

Lady Gaga was the singer who made me understand the power of music: I loved her debut, but it wasn’t until ‘Born This Way’ that I appreciated her artistry. The way she continued to push the boundaries of music, bending genres and creating powerful visuals through artistic collaborations and iconic fashion was mind-blowing. Then there’s always some Sam Smith playing whenever I listen to music. Oh – and Lana Del Rey. Whenever someone hands me the aux cord, you can bet there will be some sad bops.

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” What would your life look like without music in it? And what fills your days when you’re not busy creating?

Life wouldn’t be a mistake, but it would be a lot less tolerable and a lot less fun. Writing songs isn’t my only form of artistic expression, so I’d probably be busy painting or writing cheesy poetry. I also have a job in marketing, but even when I’m working there’s always music playing in the background.

What, to you, is music’s role in society?

Music is probably one of the most powerful weapons in the world: it has a huge impact on everyone’s life. It helps people deal with emotions, it can be a form of expression while dancing, but especially with the lyrics, things can get very personal. If it wasn’t for Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’, I would have had a much harder time accepting myself for who I am. It’s a song that has changed millions of people’s lives forever and is my prime example of the impact music can have.

OK, Nick – desert island time! You’re allowed to grab 3 albums before being stranded on an island. Which do you choose?

Three?? That’s tough. Definitely ‘-how i’m feeling-‘ by LAUV. Probably ‘Crash’ by Charli XCX and ‘Lust For Life’ by Lana Del Rey.

Thanks again for chatting with us Nick! It’s been awesome getting to know you a bit better! Aside from ‘Falling Apart For Ungodly Reasons’, what do you hope is in store when it comes to your musical future?

Well, I’m finishing my first album right now, so that’s something very exciting that’s coming up. I try not to think too much about the future because the industry can change drastically overnight. Right now I just appreciate all the incredible feedback and try to figure it all out along the way. That’s the fun part, right?


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