Nathasha Rumbos is Back with a Bang on ‘Dime Una Cosa’

Nathasha Rumbos is a Venezuelan urban Latin singer who recently released her scintillating new single entitled ‘Dime Una Cosa’. Translating into English as ‘Tell Me Something’, Nathasha’s tune is a seriously danceable little number that blends a wide variety of elements from different genres together. Latin, reggaeton, dance, and pop just to name a few. This is all done seamlessly and cleanly, which in turn gives Nathasha’s vocals the space to stand out and shine bright. 

The talented artist has truly had a remarkable 2022 thus far. Her previous single ‘Sueltate’ recently reached over 10,000 streams on Spotify and was also featured on Acceso Total. Along with that, Rumbos performed in Times Square for Wonderama’s seventh season, and at the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas during Latin Grammy Music Week.

Back to ‘Dime Una Cosa’, Rumbos says that the song is a response towards an old friend who sacrificed their friendship for someone toxic, only to years later come crawling back. “The thing I love about this song is that whoever is listening can shape it towards what they have gone through,” says Nathasha. Isn’t that what we love about music, really? Thank you Nathasha!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘Dime Una Cosa’ on Spotify now:


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