
Nathalie Miller Shares Dreamy, Vibrant Gem ‘bailey’

Discovering Nathalie Miller is akin to stepping into a room laced with soft walls: the aural experience is soothing, playful and comforting. Yet, even among such angelic and blissful tones, one can catch a glimpse of melancholia, a sign that the human experience is ever complex and ambiguous. ‘bailey’ is the track that comes to our attention. Included in Miller’s latest EP ‘made especially for you’, the single is the most potent and substantial offering in an otherwise ethereal record. 

Take for instance ‘so am i’: drenched in brilliant textures and lush, elegant vocals, the piece is rather more leftfield and experimental than one would expect. In this context, ‘bailey’ serves as a reminder that dreams need to be grounded once in a while, an interpretation that fits with Nathalie’s personal lyricism, speaking about her longing for accomplishments. 

As the American songstress explains: “I started writing ‘bailey’ when I couldn’t think of a proper word to describe the way I felt about my childhood friends. I wanted to be them so badly, but the word ‘jealousy’ implied that I wanted to take it from them or that there was some underlying malice. I didn’t want to take anything from my friends, I wanted to be up on the pedestal I put them on together.”


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