
Names Without Numbers Ask Us to Slow Down in Latest Single

Ever felt like you are on a constant rollercoaster? If there’s a feeling everyone shares these days, it’s the willingness to achieve and do as many things as possible – being hyper-productive. Well, Names Without Numbers agree on it, and try to warn us of the consequences. ‘Ping Pong Ball in a Concrete Room’, their latest single, focuses on that exact theme. 

Using a ping-poll ball as a metaphor for constantly bouncing around aimlessly, the song wraps the listeners into playful yet gritty lyricism, trying to make sense of today’s destructive life rhythms. Musically, the track is framed into a charming alt-rock, indie arrangement, perfectly matching the youth-related nature of the record. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind ‘Ping Pong Ball in a Concrete Room’, Names Without Numbers explain: “This song is about the frenetic pace of life. Sometimes it feels like things are moving way too fast to stay on top of all your responsibilities. The only thing you can do is keep moving forward.”

Recommended! Discover  ‘Ping Pong Ball in a Concrete Room’ on Spotify: 


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