MUNGMUNG Shares Fierce Music Video for ‘Internet Friends’

Well, that was unexpected… We were somehow oblivious to MUNGMUNG‘s hypnotising talent, until we came across her latest effort, a charming and fierce video crafted for ‘Internet Friends’. We are sold: The track is tremendously catchy and irresistible, reminding us of the same rebellious energy and groovy flow of more famous acts, such as M.I.A. and Azealia Banks. It carries a charming momentum that keeps going for more than four minutes, jumping from individual verses to choral choruses, really supercharging the record and leaving a lasting impression on its listeners. 

Shout out to MUNGMUNG. Everything in ‘Internet Friends’ works incredibly well. From the anthemic, punchy and tight production, stuck between modernity and early-2000s RnB, to the Australian songstress’ powerful vocals, able to cut through the instrumental and promptly deliver MUNGMUNG evocative lyricism. 

‘Internet Friends’ gets given a music video, which you should check out. Speaking about the project, the Aussie talent explains: “My beautiful friends and fam have come together to help create visuals (Shoutout to Jordan Mung, Ilgin Aykut, Michael Kulevski, Sophie Gianatti, Hazel Sherritt, Tala, Luna, Arda, Alice and Kev). I really wanted visuals to exist for this one to highlight the message. I wrote the track when I was 16, really introspective and pondering on what I felt, what people around me felt when it came to use of the web.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Internet Friends’ on Youtube: 


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