
Mortal Prophets Shares Latest EP ‘ICNCLST/’

American sonic explorer Mortal Prophets has been extremely prolific lately. Busy writing music and lyrics with a highly experimental outlook, the New York City-based talent seems to have found fertile creative territory, something that not everyone can boast about. Writing about one of the project’s latest efforts, ‘New Breed’, we proudly declared it “a wholesome experience, fragments of musical glory elevated to enlightened reality.”

We stand by our words: Mortal Prophet constantly dances over genres and styles, refining a personal style that’s often hazy and dreamy, yet quite electronic and industrial. ‘ICNCLST/’ is the project’s latest EP, an evocative and vibrant record with diverse influences. From fuzzy guitar tones to luscious saxophones, the album shifts from dreamy new wave to nostalgic electronic pop, with Beckmann’s smooth and hypnotising vocals crowning it all. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the record, Mortal Prophets explains: “An EP that not only upholds limitless repeat listenings but improves with each one”. We can confirm that’s a strong offering – now you’ll be the judge. 

Recommended! Discover ‘ICNCLST/’ on Spotify and Youtube: 


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