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Monochrome Midnight Traveller Shares Dark EP ‘Reality Spaces’

The loyal reader will know about our deep-rooted love for electronica. Naturally, when we came across ‘Reality Spaces’ we felt the urge to share it with you all. It’s a glorious, nuanced piece of hypnotising electronica, perfectly fitting the complexity of our modern times. Built over dark and spacious tones, the record delves into deep, twisted territories, favouring mysterious modulating textures and fuzzy bass patches, further enriched by sparse percussions and long soundscapes. 

Penned by Chinese duo Monochrome Midnight Traveller, ‘Reality Spaces’ is an EP that features two tracks, ‘Reality’ and ‘Spaces’. What really stands out to us is the quality of the project’s vocals, oscillating between male and female tones with charming energy and evocative attitude. Quite a sonic journey, one that’s bound to inspire listeners worldwide. 

Delving into the inspiration behind their artistry, the pair explain: “By incorporating black and white imagery and simplistic monochromatic synth elements, we embrace a minimalist aesthetic, emphasizing the beauty of simplicity and understatement.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Reality Spaces’ on Spotify and Youtube: 

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