
Mirrors on the Moon Return with Wholesome Gem ‘December Blues’

We had a close encounter with Mirrors on the Moon a long time ago. Yet, we did not forget their bluesy, earthy sonic imprint, something that’s certainly a breath of fresh air these days. In an industry landscape that requires every piece of music to be hyper-polished, it’s great to see talented creatives such as the Jersey City-based group keeping it loose, focusing more on the meaningful and relatable aura around them. 

‘December Blues’ is Mirrors on the Moon’s latest effort, a heartwarming, seasonal record that manages to stay away from every Christmas clichés, instead pursuing an original and inherently blues-powered path. Overall, it’s a joy to listen to: moving at a rather slow pace, the song flourishes on a glorious triplet feel, delivering a textbook composition. Head honcho Donny Dykowsky’s charming and raw vocals are a perfect match for such a wholesome offering. 

Speaking about the single, he explains: “My first demo was very garage-rock, and I wanted to maintain that sensibility throughout the production. Everything was tracked live with a bit of saturation. This song, like our last release ‘California,’ was written just weeks ago, so it’s a thrill to release another song with a sense of urgency.” 

Recommended! Discover ‘December Blues’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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