
Michael Isaak Shares Blissful EP ‘Forever is a Scary Word’

Upon listening to ‘Forever is a Scary Word’, we didn’t put pen to paper right away. Rather, we let ourselves be lullabied by the EP’s soothing and evocative tones, a wonderful and blissful sonic journey that’s truly rewarding on the soul. The listening experience feels hypnotising and melancholic, allowing us to get closer to Michael Isaak’s own consciousness. 

Narrating the cultural struggle between his Egyptian roots and the American, western society he grew up in, the talented creative is not afraid to let strangers observe his fragility – a fragility that’s common to us all, although some might try to hide it. For Isaak, the endgame is reaching a cathartic point, using his music as an expressive and reflective tool. ‘north star’ and its glorious ending are a perfect example of this; a cinematic, dreamy and ethereal organic arrangement that completely hypnotises the end user. 

Hailing from L.A., Michael produced the record together with collaborator Owen Korzec, widening the cultural references by inviting Abanoub Samir for some Arabic instrumental flair. The result is a stream of eclectic alt-folk stylings that are not afraid to transcend cultures and influences.  

Recommended! Discover ‘Forever is a Scary Word’ on Spotify: 


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