
Melaku Shares Heartfelt and Inspiring Video for ‘The Underdog’

There are a few layers we can peel off from Melaku’s latest release ‘The Underdog’. For example, we can take it a face value: a stunning, evocative ballad built on the most heartwarming piano arrangement, crowned by the Californian artist’s luscious, poignant vocals. It’s the perfect formula, and we’d argue also the best showcase of Melaku’s musical abilities so far. That’s one layer: the beautiful musical subject matter we get to enjoy. 

A second, deeper layer involves delving into the writer behind the song. ‘The Underdog’ was originally penned by celebrated songwriter Gary Benson, a prominent figure in the music industry. Stripping it from its previous reggae livery, Benson allows Melaku to mould the piece into a personal, heartfelt gem, a personal ballad that strictly relates to the singer’s own personal history, paved with early struggles and lack of confidence. 

The third layer, and the most visually striking, is the video attached to the release. Depicting Melaku in his natural habitat – in front of a mic and with a grand piano – the video also includes pianist Michael Martinez, together with footage of notable sports figures that have inspired Melaku over the years. It all points to the idea that being ‘The Underdog’ doesn’t last forever if one tries hard and practices self-belief. 

Recommended! Discover ‘The Underdog’ on Youtube and Spotify:


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