Maggot House Shares Noisy Punk Album ‘How to Talk to Extraterrestrials’

Maggot House is instantly recognisable. We’ll give it to him: the project’s artistic outlook is so quirky, fuzzy and sleazy to instantly mesmerise the listener. And we do know about getting mesmerized, trust us… Anyway, imagine a cascade of lo-fi, ultra-distorted indie-punk, delivered with playful, rebellious vocals and and extreme tightness. Plus, throw some primordial keys into the mix. The result is ‘How to Talk to Extraterrestrials’, a ten-track album greatly showcasing what makes Maggot House great. 

Described as a D.I.Y. punk outfit from Brooklyn, it’s championed by Broose Young, the human behind such nuanced artistry. Citing 80s horror movies as a source of inspiration, he’s able to infuse his songs with a playful creepy flair, making listening to the album a slightly unsettling listening experience. In a good way, it’s charming, and the curious fan will have no problem embracing such a euphorically crazy vibe. 

‘How to Talk to Extraterrestrials’ takes you by surprise, but it doesn’t let you go that easily. Maggot House’s mysterious and gritty vocals are a permanent call to action, perfectly fitting their chaotic sonic background. We need more heroes like him around – a more genre-diverse musical landscape is a win for everybody. 

Recommended! Discover ‘How to Talk to Extraterrestrials’ on Spotify: 


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