
Libby Johnston Debuts with Self-Empowerment Anthem ‘Right Person, Wrong Time’

“I never thought I was good enough to release original music and for so long fought the urge to write”, Libby Johnston explains. How many of us can relate to that? We certainly do. Lucky for us, the talented New Zealander singer and songwriter would eventually reconcile with her artistic expression, writing the wonderful tune that’s now being released as her debut effort, ‘Right Person, Wrong Time’. In it, the listener can expect luscious and modern pop, the kind of track that keep a mainstream outlook while being incredibly intimate and personal. 

Indeed, ‘Right Person, Wrong Time’ is a fantastic offering. On one side, you’ll find nuanced electronic pop matter, a dynamic production channelling synthwave and alt-pop tones, courtesy of Santino Cardinale. On the other, you’ll be met with Johnston’s evocative vocals, showcasing a wide range of action and a true knack for catchy, ethereal and soothing melodies. 

Now based in New York City, Libby Johnston really seems to have found her artistic formula, delivering material that explores the whole magnitude of human consciousness. In ‘Right Person, Wrong Time’, she focuses on the ‘blindness’ we can all sometimes fall into, whenever we believe in a person that’s not treating us with the same respect. With confidence, Johnston shares a message of self-empowerment and growth – will you join her? 

Recommended! Discover ‘Right Person, Wrong Time’ on Spotify: 


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