
Leonardo Barilaro Releases the Avant-Garde ‘365 Days of Entropy’

Leonardo Barilaro is known as the Space Pianist. Alongside being a musician, the Malta-based pianist is also an accomplished aerospace engineer and recently had his “space music” composition ‘Maleth’ onboard the International Space Station. If you think that’s impressive, his latest single ‘365 Days of Entropy’ was his 365th release last year! He’s the first artist in the world to have completed such a feat. 

As for the tune itself, Barilaro takes a very avant-garde and futuristic approach. Describing the composition as “a painting”, ‘365 Days of Entropy’ uses notes as brush strokes to portray the often chaotic process that is life. You really have to just hear it for yourself! It’s extremely eclectic and, to be honest, almost like nothing I’ve come across sonically before. It’s edgy, psychedelic, leftfield, and downright superb. 

Leonardo firmly lives by his mantra of Nullo Die Sine Note (not a day without a note). “Music must be kept alive day after day,” he says. “In a life-long never-ending process”. 

If ‘365 Days of Entropy’ is up your alley as it is mine, then sit back and settle in, because Barilaro’s collection of work is going to take a while to get through…I can’t wait!

Serious tune alert! Enjoy ‘365 Days of Entropy’ on Spotify now:


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