LastTimeDown Share Intense and Relatable New Album

‘Rose Colored Glasses//First Time Around’ is a pretty engaging record. Both playful and nuanced, the album showcases its eclectic character since the opening track, ‘Panic Attack’, an intense spoken word skit that evolves into a punchy and majestic mid-tempo rock’n’roll anthem. From here on, the floodgates have been opened. ‘Waiting on a Sunny Day’ charmingly picks up the energy with a fierce and voracious guitar-filled gem.

That’s a common script throughout the record, interrupted only by mellower tunes such as ‘4th Capo Song’, a track with a certain Eddie Vedder-Esque quality to it. ‘Torn In Two’ is equally soothing and emotional, reiterating LastTimeDown’s eclectic nature. Comfortable in all-out nuggets of rock euphoria as they are in intimate ballad settings, the American group is not your typical rock band. 

You see, LastTimeDown doesn’t just thrive on being a band; head honcho Jason plays a crucial role in it, infusing the music with strong songwriting and relatable themes. The result is an approachable record, boasting strong vocal prowess and lyrical expertise. As the group explains: “The album conveys a sense of intensity and sense of connection that brings the listener through a gamut of emotions.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Rose Colored Glasses//First Time Around’ on Spotify: 


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