L.J.P. Shares Eclectic EP ‘45’

Before we dive into the circumstances around the record, let’s just establish what we are dealing with. L.J.P. is a fantastic artist. Take for instance ‘The Boy’: a breath of fresh air, a soothing and light slice of folk-pop. The listening experience is particularly rewarding, with the Canadian talent layering his charismatic voice – full of gravitas and depth – against a backdrop of acoustic and electric guitars, gentle percussions and vocal harmonies. 

Now, for the curious part: L.J.P. always releases 4 songs on the 4th of March, every year! This time around the EP took the title of ‘45’, featuring the title-track, ‘The Boy’, ‘Love Tonight’ and ‘Get it On’. The sonic references are pretty kaleidoscopic, with ‘Love Tonight’ making use of electronic beats and indie stylings. 

Lyrically, L.J.P. explores the whole of human consciousness, delivering relatable and introspective gems. As he defines them: “These are simple, honest songs.”

Recommended! Discover ‘45’ on Spotify and Bandcamp:


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